Complimentary Resources for Job Seekers

The world economy is taking a beating at the moment. And like every business, at the heart of the economy are people - with livelihoods, families, and bills to pay.

At Pencil or Ink, we have a lot to say about leadership communications, using LinkedIn, creating the right resume, and interviewing well.

In that spirit, we’re pleased to share these free resources for anyone navigating a career move:

Career goals: use this doc if you’re proactively contemplating a change and want to think strategically about your options. Options today are more limited, but being thoughtful about where you direct your efforts is always smart.

Resume-crafting: creating a winning resume can be daunting. We compiled this guide to make it less so.

LinkedIn profiles: too often an afterthought, a robust LinkedIn profile can get you noticed and land you the interview. But it’s hard to know how to get them right. Enter, this document.

Interview questions: smart companies hire for the “intangibles” - relational skills, trust, integrity, and the like. They interview for them using behavioral questions - like these.

Pencil or Ink specializes in leadership communications. We work with leading companies to enhance how they communicate and perform through coaching, workshops, and culture consulting. Talk to us here.